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BIA Stratford

Member Zone

Board Meetings

Downtown Stratford BIA Board of Director meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month and are open to the public. Members are always welcome and encouraged to attend. Meeting variances will be posted on  Please contact [email protected] for the agenda and meeting details if you are interested.


bia financials

Join our Board


There are seats to fill on the Downtown Stratford Business Improvement Area

The Downtown Stratford Business Improvement Area (DTSBIA) is Stratford’s only BIA. The Board of Directors of the DTSBIA is made up of 8 volunteers from businesses, including property owners, in the downtown, plus a City Council representative. The positions are 4-year terms with a new term starting December 2022. The Board represents the over 300 businesses and property owners in the downtown area. 


Board meetings are held one evening each month. The total time needed for this Board position is 4-8 hours each month including a subcommittee meeting and follow-up.

We welcome people who want to engage in the downtown core and have the following interests and skills:

  • Desire to learn about the downtown business community and its needs
  • Problem solver with a positive outlook
  • Enthusiastic active contributor
  • Belief that diversity, equity and inclusion is an important commitment for our downtown
  • Leadership, finance, people and risk management, communications, marketing


*From time to time, mid-term vacancies may occur.  The City will advertise for any mid-term vacancies.  

If you wish to apply, please fill out the application and return it to the Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 1 Wellington Street, Stratford, Ontario.

If you need help with your application, contact [email protected] or 519-273-2461.


This is where a lot of the action takes place!  The Downtown Stratford BIA currently has four Sub-Committees that together make up the busy hive that creates and implements projects that benefit our member businesses. Each subcommittee meets monthly and is made up of Directors from our Board, staff, and volunteers that are BIA members.

  • Complete a well communicated brand and tagline for Downtown Stratford to increase awareness of the BIA
  • To encourage more and continued use of the Downtown Stratford businesses by both local residents and by visitors
  • Complete Annual Marketing Plans and campaigns based on data and creativity
  • To promote Downtown Stratford as a special place in which to shop, work, visit, feel safe and live
  • Attract more visitors, customers, stakeholders and residents to Downtown Stratford
  • Enhance marketing efforts toward BIA members to improve learning, engagement and participation
  • Be a Community leader in creating a new vision for the beautification efforts of infrastructure in Downtown Stratford
  • Beautify, maintain and improve the aesthetic of Downtown Stratford
  • Create joy in the Downtown for visitors and stakeholders
  • To create a more colourful and engaging public realm space that can be enjoyed by all
  • To encourage preservation of the Downtown’s architectural heritage
  • Elevate the beautification standards of Downtown Stratford
  • Forge strong partnerships with stakeholders in order to create a strong BIA in the greater Community
  • To work in a co-operative manner with city officials and other business groups, while maintaining Downtown Stratford’s unique position and voice
  • To advocate on behalf of BIA businesses with stakeholders and levels of government
  • Be a safe, diverse and cooperative Board to ensure all voices are considered when making decisions
  • Be a good employer – prioritize staff, make them feel safe and supported by the BIA Board
  • Prioritize learning and education of staff, Board members, BIA members, Municipal Staff
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join a sub-committee

If you are interested in joining a sub-committee, please contact [email protected].

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Which applies to you:
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