Welcome to downtown Stratford, Yilmaz Ertan, owner of Yilmaz E-bikes on Albert St! Yilmaz chose Stratford as his second E-bike shop location for two reasons – one, he has many clients from Stratford who drive to his Kitchener location (so he sees that residents here have embraced eco-friendly modes of transportation) and two, he LOVES Stratford! For years now, Yilmaz and his wife have driven regularly to our city to have a meal, shop our main streets and enjoy Lake Victoria. There was no question as to where he would expand his business!
For more than 30 years, Yilmaz, a skilled truck and car mechanic, owned and operated Yilmaz Auto Repair on King St. in Kitchener. Stellar customer service and fair prices are how Yilmaz earned his 5-star rating on Google and his more than 130 reviews speak volumes to both of these as reasons why customers come back again and again AND take the time to write a review!
Yilmaz and his family are genuinely passionate about electric mobility – they each drive an electric car – and so their E-Bike business was born a year ago, alongside the auto and truck repair business. In February, the repair business was sold and now Yilmaz, and his manager Patrick, focus solely on providing their valued customers with electric-powered products that include: bicycles, scooters, mopeds, golf carts and mobility vehicles. They offer the top brands on the market – EMMO, Gio Electric, Daymak, Tao Motor, E-Global, and Taubik. Between the two shops you will find something that suits you and if not, almost everything can be brought in overnight.
Yilmaz stands by all of the products he sells, so much so that he and his wife July long weekend booked themselves into a hotel in Windsor just so they could get to the bottom of why a gentleman’s charger was not functioning properly for his mobility scooter. A house call later and the man and his wife are happily scooting around on a fully charged battery, the issue it turns out that the battery pack is being charged too far away from the main source of hydro. All in a day’s work for Yilmaz who continues to make customer service his very top priority!
Oh and be sure to bring your dog as this is a Dog Friendly Shop! Yilmaz has a soft spot for all animals and has turned his backyard in Kitchener into a “welcoming space” for critters big and small by providing them food and a cozy shelter beneath his deck! AND as if that’s not enough, he sends money monthly to an outfit in his home country of Turkey where vets there use the funds to feed and treat orphaned street animals!
(226) 978-0331 | yilmazebikes.ca