Downtown Stratford is “officially” becoming pet-friendly and we’re kicking it off on June 22nd from 4-6pm in Market Square. Join us for tail-wagging fun and water lapping adventures, as we ribbon cut our dog day summer event and welcome pets into our downtown.
- 4pm – Registration for Dog Show
- 5pm – Ribbon Cutting of the new Poop Bag Station by the Mayor!
- 5:15pm – Dog Show Begins – Longest Tail, Tallest Dog, Smallest Dog, Best Dressed, Best Trick
- 4pm-6pm – Humane Society tent accepting pet food donations to be entered for a draw of 25 Downtown Dollars

The launch includes a big welcome by our dog-friendly downtown business locations, who will display their pet-friendly sticker in the window, and offer BIA-branded dog water bowls to our furry friends.
It will be paws-itively fun for the whole family and will be held in Market Square.

*IMPORTANT NOTICE: Kindly be aware that there are specific requirements and restrictions that might prevent certain types of businesses from being classified as “pet-friendly”. These legal prerequisites are established uniformly across the province by the health unit.
*ADDITIONAL REMINDER: Each individual business holds the authority to determine whether or not they will choose to accommodate pets. It is not mandatory for any business to permit pets, and they retain the right to refuse service to customers accompanied by animals.
**Please note that this policy does not apply to Registered Service Dogs.
In the event that you do not observe our “Well-Behaved Dogs are Welcome” stickers displayed on the window, we kindly request that you inquire before entering.