Let’s celebrate active transportation and public space transformation TOGETHER with a Barricade Art (Public Art) Project Grand Opening and our last Car-Free Friday of the season. Nestled between Chocolate Barrs Candies (55 George St. W) and the Stratford Police Station (17 George St. W), we’re delighted to host Car-Free Friday at our official grand opening. Our SPONSOR for our Car-Free Friday is Chocolate Barrs Candies.

Last Fall, we put out a Call To Artists, to help us bring life to the empty lot positioned beside the Stratford Police Station. An unbiased jury selected two individuals to animate the 27 concrete barricades stationed there by giving them a much-needed “facelift”.

The two artists chosen were Liz Emirzian (of Stratford, ON) and Montina Hussey (of Toronto, ON). Both artists brought their incredible creative talent and skill to transforming these rough and rugged blocks. Each artist took half, with one as a collaborative piece.
We the assistance of STEPS – a Toronto-based charitable organization that specializes in transforming public spaces into vibrant places in a strategic way – our Downtown Stratford BIA developed a Public Art Plan in February 2023. With their continued support, we’ve since gone on to commission a number of public art projects in the Downtown area.
When deciding what to do with this space, we knew it had to be something temporary. Long term plans include a type of expansion by Stratford Police who own the property. Therefore, it was agreed that decorating the blocks was the best plan for the area – and the decorated barricades can be relocated if necessary.
Join us as we celebrate the beauty that these colourful works of art bring to this old space. We will host a ribbon cutting with the mayor and invite the public to come see the space in person.
Which block is your favourite? An Instagram GIVEAWAY is planned and will run from Monday, August 5th at 6pm to Thursday at 6pm. We will announce the winner at our Grand Opening. (More details below.) Be sure to follow us on Instagram so you can enter.

CAR-FREE FRIDAY – August Edition
What is Car-Free Friday? It’s a celebration in active transportation. An opportunity to experience the joy of cycling, rolling, bussing, cruising to work without your car. Come down for free coffee & juice, enter our giveaway, receive bike repair demos, register your bike, talk to our many special guests.
- WHERE: Barricade Art Project, between Chocolate Barrs (55 George St. W) and Stratford Police Station (17 George St. W)
- WHEN: Friday, August 9th, from 8-10am
- WHY: To encourage our members and the community of Stratford to use ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION by bike/scooter/skateboard (or take the bus) for getting around
FREE Coffee and Juice
- The Livery Yard’s delicious coffee will be served (sponsored by Chocolate Barrs)
- Bring-your-own mug for an extra ballot to the giveaways
- Free juice for those who do not drink coffee or prefer a cold drink (first come first serve)
- $25 Downtown Dollars to spend when you ride the bus downtown + 30-day bus pass $70/value
- To enter, fill out a ballot when you show up on your bike (or preferred method)
- Bring-your-own mug and receive TWO ballots

Instagram Giveaway
We are also holding a fun Instagram Giveaway from August 5 (at 6pm) to August 8 — to find Stratford’s “favourite block”.
To enter: Visit our IG (instagram.com/downtownstratford) and choose “your favourite” from our 27 painted barricades — and tag the person you would love to photograph with it. For additional entries, choose more and tag more friends, share the giveaway to Stories, OR… post a photo of you with your favourite block for FIVE extra ballots. Winner will receive $50 in Downtown Dollars.
