WINTER WANDER-LAND is BACK!!! And this time over two weekends, with more to offer. Carousels and firepits… scavenger hunts and blacksmiths… a fun adventure through our downtown shops and restaurants to collect stickers for really fabulous prizes. You’ll want to be downtown in Market Square the last weekend in November and the first weekend in December.
Saturday and Sunday, November 26-27, 2022 AND December 3-4, 2022
Some highlights of the season:
❄️ Carousel – a highlight of the season
❄️ Cozy firepits to roast marshmallows and make s’mores
❄️ SPOT SANTA scavenger hunt (huge prize)
❄️ Blacksmith John Walker, of Fallen Willow Forge (Nov 26/27)
❄️ Winter Wander-land Guide offering validation stickers as you shop and dine – collect 8 stickers to win one of 4 prize packages (valued at $500 each)

We are thrilled our carousel is returning for another season. A highlight of the holiday season in Downtown Stratford Market Square. This year we’re delighted to have it run over two weekends.
The two firepit areas are also back. Supervised while your kiddos roast marshmallows for special DTS s’mores, come warm up your fingers and your toes.
Our artisan blacksmith, John Walker of Fallen Willow Forge, will be back to captivate the masses for the first Winter Wander-land weekend.
Our SPOT SANTA Scavenger Hunt returns. This year we are running it over two weekends, take your card around to participating businesses and fill in the blank wherever you “Spot Santa”. We have an awesome prize waiting for one lucky winner.
One of the MOST EXCITING FEATURES of this year is our Winter Wanter-land Guide – which starts November 16th and runs until December 22nd. This features more than 60 downtown businesses that offer a validation sticker when you shop or dine. Collect 8 stickers and enter to win one of 4 prize packages, valued at $500 each! WOW!!!!

Artist, Vicki Scofield, provided the artwork of our Carousel you see here – and is the cover for our Winter Wander-land Guide.
We acknowledge the support of the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario