Carl Messenger-Lehmann

How is it that Thanksgiving is already just around the corner?! We are THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that you continue to support our downtown small businesses. It has been an epic...

Traditional Cocktails – Quality Fare – Elevated Comfort. Welcome to Brian Clarke, owner of the new Elizabeth. at the corner of Ontario St and Waterloo St. This 34-seat restaurant has...

Shelby Marchand is exactly the personality you’d expect behind this business’s name – bubbly, smiley and sweet! This young mother of three girls, 5 and under, has opened her very...

“I would like to introduce myself to all; my name is Jamie Pritchard and as of July 18th I am the General Manager for the Downtown Stratford BIA. Four years...

Ände (pronounced Ah-nuh) means to breathe in Danish. “It’s a reminder to slow down, pause, and take our time in life. It is a gentle nod to my Danish grandmother,...

Welcome Miss Sophie (in the forefront) and her lovely owner, Jeanette Witschi to the Downtown Stratford BIA!  Entrepreneur Jeanette has decided to make her passion her job! Miss Sophie’s offers...

Lovage – pronounced “luh-vuhj,” as in the herb from the parsley family – is the new kid on the Wellington block. Owned by Chef Jamie Crosby – the proprietor of...

Okay Stratford… we have Phil Morris and Elaine Beck to thank for bringing back all our sweet memories of weekends spent in roller rinks cruisin’ to Boogie Oogie Oogie under...

“A Modern speak easy vibe” is what you encounter upon entering the cozy new Rockwell Lounge in the former Annex space. And a dynamo trio that will knock your socks...

A treasure trove of collectable delights await you at The Den on 125 Downie Street. We welcome Sareena Gaind to downtown Stratford! Faced with having to shutter her shop of...