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These are very busy days for the city of Stratford as all the hopeful candidates running for
election have been working hard to get their platforms out to help you reach your decision for
the best choice.

As we approach election day the Downtown Stratford BIA had put together 6 questions that
pertained to current topics circulating in the downtown. We have put together the responses,
found below. These questions were emailed to all councillor and mayoral candidates. Not all
candidates answered all the questions. The responses are presented in the order that they were

The Downtown Stratford Business Improvement Area (DTS BIA) is Stratford’s only BIA and
represents over 300 businesses and property owners in the downtown core. Our Board of
Directors is made up of eight volunteers from businesses and property owners in the downtown,
plus one City Council representative.

Questions to and responses from Mayoral Candidates
Click Here

Questions to and responses from Council Candidates
Click Here

The BIA hopes that you will find this information useful in your proces